Painting from last nigzt, tattoo from today, thank you @marymelmac 
Painting from last nigzt, tattoo from today, thank you @marymelmac #germantatto
Termin am Montag frei geworden.....13uhr....hab richtig bock auf traditionelles
Termin am Montag frei geworden…..13uhr….hab richtig bock auf traditionelles
Wannado from today thx alot @xjnndr for the nice session and the pale white skin
Wannado from today thx alot @xjnndr for the nice session and the pale white skin
Polarbear-neck from today....thx for looking #germantattooers #traditionaltattoo
Polarbear-neck from today….thx for looking #germantattooers #traditionaltattoo
A little one i forgot to post  thx for looking #germantattooers #neotraditionalt
A little one i forgot to post thx for looking #germantattooers #neotraditionalt
Latenight-painting for convention.....cant wait to tattoo this. #germantattooers
Latenight-painting for convention…..cant wait to tattoo this. #germantattooers
Preparing for convention.....#germantattooers #neotradsub #docon #convention #fl
Preparing for convention…..#germantattooers #neotradsub #docon #convention #fl