Finally done.....available for tattooing #germantattooers #tattooworkers #tattoo
Finally done…..available for tattooing #germantattooers #tattooworkers #tattoo
One done....two to come.....frohe ostern alleman #germantattooers #tattooworkers
One done….two to come…..frohe ostern alleman #germantattooers #tattooworkers
Die 3 von der arbeit...#germantattooers #linedrawing #tattooworke
Die 3 von der Anstalt… arbeit…#germantattooers #linedrawing #tattooworke
Kleiner Tribut an Deutschlands großartigeste Wortwinkler #germantattooers #kabar
Kleiner Tribut an Deutschlands großartigeste Wortwinkler #germantattooers #kabar
Finaly done.....portraits are always fun....thx for looking  #germantattoers #bl
Finaly done…..portraits are always fun….thx for looking #germantattoers #bl